Description: The set is a napkin holder with turnabout shakers sitting on the base.
- The napkin holder base is a Florida billboard beach scene.
- The turnabout shakers are named Work and Play.
- Work is frowning and is dressed in winter clothing and looks cold as if from the North.
- Play is dressed in beach attire, is smiling and looks pleasantly pleased to be at the beach as if on vacation.
Shaker Manufacturer: Jerry Berta
Number Manufactured: 325*
Convention Theme: Shakers in Paradise
Convention Location: Orlando, FL
Hosts: Florida Chapter
Original Price: $48
* The original factory run was not acceptable to either the Florida Chapter or to the producer, Jerry Berta. An unknown number of these unacceptable shakers were distributed at convention. The producer agreed to completely remake the shakers; unfortunately the original factory went out of business forcing them to find another manufacturer willing to take on the project. There was a limited second run.