Description: “Color your cares away” was the joint effort of several Shakin’ up Pennsylvania chapter members. It was hard to nail down just one idea because we found so many things to base a shaker on in and around the Lehigh Valley-Allentown area. We finally agreed on the Crayola company in Easton. We contacted them for licensing and found it way too expensive; however, they were nice enough to let us know what we had to do (or rather not include) to not infringe on their copyrights.
Our crayon boy can be turned around to face you and say “hi” or he can be busy at work to finish coloring in the picture. The roller coaster on the opposite page signifies all the great amusement parks in the Lehigh Valley area.
Shaker Manufacturer: Jerry Berta
Number Manufactured: 175
Convention Theme: Shakin’ Around Allentown
Convention Location: Breinigsville, PA
Hosts: Shakin’ Up Pennsylvania
Original Price: $75