Description: Convention Shaker Chair and Ruthie Denney Convention Chair, sprung into action to have this beautiful set made. The set depicts an old barn with a road separating two different fields. A corn field on the left and a pumpkin patch on the right.
Illinois is the second leading state in corn production and corn is the state food and popcorn was invented and is the state snack for Illinois.
Illinois produces 90% of all pumpkins grown in the country.
The actual shakers are an anthropomorphic ear of corn and the other is a pumpkin. They are popping out of the fields since the shakers are on springs. First convention set that used springs in the design.
Shaker Manufacturer: Designed by Petro Mold Company & produce by R&L Ceramics and Linda Littlejohn.
Number Manufactured: 102
Convention Theme: Spring into Fields of Shakers
Convention Location: Springfield, IL
Convention Shaker Chairperson: Joe Gaydos
Hosts: Ruthie Denney & Heartland Chapter
Original Price: $95

Original Concept

Original Blank