This featured series was first partly documented by Irene Thornburg in her first book of salt & pepper shaker series called "Collecting Salt & Pepper Shaker Series" in 1998 on page 46.  She photographed the pigs, dogs, rabbits, and squirrels pictured below.

Japan Dressed Animals Salt and Pepper Shakers - Dogs


Japan Dressed Animals Salt and Pepper Shakers - Rabbits


Japan Dressed Animals Salt and Pepper Shakers - Squirrels


Japan Dressed Animals Salt and Pepper Shakers - Pigs


Now two additional sets have been found - mice and cats.  They are all stamped green "Japan".  They all stand about 3'' high with 5 and 3 pour holes.  And of course they look similar with clothing, cocked heads, holding personal items, and same shaped eyes.

Japan Dressed Animals Salt and Pepper Shakers - Mice


Japan Dressed Animals Salt and Pepper Shakers - Cats
