Hosted by Shakin’ Up Pennsylvania

Another convention has come to a close. Attendees left with many fond memories and lots of shakers to add to their collections.
Members started arriving Saturday, July 9th and as the week progressed more and more members arrived to “run the rooms” and tour the area. “Run the rooms” is a term used to describe shopping for shakers in the various members’ hotel guest rooms. Lots of laughs and hugs occur in the various guest rooms as members shop, “talk” shakers, and catch up on what’s been happening since last year. First timers were welcomed and encouraged to join in the fun.
A “yellow card” listing the names of the sellers was given to every member when they registered. They were then asked to obtain the signatures of at least 45 of the 55+ sellers to win a chance of a free hotel room night. This fun event turned into a popular way for everyone to meet while shopping for shakers.
Special flags identified sellers’ rooms. If the flag was raised, the door was open and the seller was ready for business. If the flag was missing, the seller was closed.
This year, there were lots of sellers and lots of bargains! There were lots of smiles too.
Salt & Pepper Rally Cry
From time to time throughout convention you can hear our rally cry.
Thursday was a busy day. Registration was open (and had been since Monday) plus you could buy t-shirts, submit shakers for the auction, sign up for the costume contests, set up your displays and submit your theme shaker. You could also donate raffle prizes and buy raffle tickets. The Board of Directors’ meeting was on Thursday morning plus the Chapter Presidents’ meeting with the Board occured this day. The First Timers had a get-together and the Junior Members enjoyed a pool and pizza party.
Junior Members’ Party
Friday is the official start of the convention. Chairperson Marlene Pawlikowski opened the convention with the Roll Call of States. President Mary Gelinas then welcomed everyone.
The busy agenda for the day included a presentation (Beyond Kitsch-Holt Howard & More) by Bonnie Clark, the unveiling of the 2016 convention shaker, the costume contest, viewing and voting of the displays and theme contests plus a shaker auction and a dinner buffet with a “take me out to the ball game” theme.
Friday Night Dinner – Team Night
Friday Night Dinner – Team Night
Saturday was another busy day. Convention shakers were distributed, the Lifetime Achievement Award was presented, the Business Meeting was held, and a shaker presentation by Freddie Hunter (USA Shakers-Featuring California & North Dakota). And that was just the morning! In the afternoon, after a box lunch, the 2017 Convention Committee gave a presentation and there was a shaker auction. Saturday night was the “Color My World” banquet, dancing, contest awards, drawing for the number 1 convention shaker, a short auction and the passing of the S&P. The night continued with more “running of the rooms” and good-by hugs.
Videos from Saturday night
Contest Winners!
Costume Contests
Theme Contest
Display Contests
Medium Display – 2nd Place
Andrea Goldburg
Animal House Bed & Breakfast