Relco Japan realistic dog breed series of salt and pepper shakers - greyhounds


Relco Japan realistic dog breed series of salt and pepper shakers - basset hounds

Basset Hounds

This collection of ten sets have "Relco Japan" stickers and consist of different realistically portrayed dog breeds.  Eight of these sets are pictured in Irene Thornburg's second reference book on salt and pepper shakers series on pages 16 & 17.  Circa 1950s-60s.

Relco Japan realistic dog breed series of salt and pepper shakers - Dalmatians


Relco Japan realistic dog breed series of salt and pepper shakers - Boston Terriers

Boston Terriers

Relco Japan realistic dog breed series of salt and pepper shakers - Boxers


Relco Japan realistic dog breed series of salt and pepper shakers - Collies


Relco Japan realistic dog breed series of salt and pepper shakers - Dachshunds


Relco Japan realistic dog breed series of salt and pepper shakers - English Setters

English Setters

Relco Japan realistic dog breed series of salt and pepper shakers - Cocker Spaniels

Cocker Spaniels

Relco Japan realistic dog breed series of salt and pepper shakers - Beagles
